Fall Morning Reflections: To the one who feels overlooked…
“I feel so frustrated Lord about my job situation. I feel so all over the place. I don’t even enjoy my job, nor do I know fully what to even look for. Sigh, help me, Lord.”
–My Journal Entry (November 25, 2013, at 11:01 PM)
“It’s crazy what this season is for me. Mistakes, apprehension, and uncertainty. You name it. I’m so (expletive) tired of it. Tired of pretending. Tired of always having the right thing to say.” –March 3, 2014
“I’m trying to fully assess me. Actually, I’m quite tired of it. I feel like I’m on the losing end of the stick. I hate my job and I’m not happy about life at this point. I feel like NOTHING is working out. I feel so alone. You wonder when will you be where you so desire to be. Lord, I’m not where I want to be, but thank You.” –August 7, 2014
These are all former journal entries from a period of my life that sometimes it’s really hard to read. I wish I could say it was a short period, but it was quite some time that I had to walk out many limiting beliefs. Many things came crashing down around that time from heartbreak to feeling misunderstood, forgotten, and unhappy with myself and my job.
My desire in life is not for people to look at me as amazing or that I have it all together. Heck, I am still learning. But my true heart’s mission is to grab hands around me, so we can walk in freedom together. That we can capture our DESTINY together. What parts of my journey will connect with yours, so you will feel less alone. We all be going through it, okay?
This past month has been filled with full circle moments. It has felt like an utter dream to be able to see God’s provision in areas that I was once frustrated in. There is so much where I am not sure if writing it out will do it justice. But I wanted to share this with you….pull up a chair will ya?
The timeline of your life is not predicated on what everyone else is doing. Even if you know where you are right now is not where you desire to be, you will continually feel dissatisfaction by trying to keep up.
Even when it feels like it, you are not alone. God is with you and there are specific people in your life placed to walk out this journey with you. When you are feeling heavy, rely on your people. You are not too much. They are there to feed you when it’s hard and celebrate when it’s good.
God will blow your mind. I mean, if you let Him. If we don’t allow the lies to overshadow what He wants to give us.
There are lessons to be learned in the fire. Sometimes the fire is what we need to refine us. We don’t always understand what God is doing (I know I don’t), but hindsight is always 100. There are things that God will give us, that we wouldn’t be able to handle without being refined. (I am also not talking about embracing a scarcity mindset – because that is not the same).
Let God promote you. Yall, He does it like no other. This also doesn’t mean you hide your gifts or anything like that. No. What I mean is, when the world overlooks you or thinks you don’t have anything to offer, don’t waste your time trying to prove them wrong. When God opens that door for you, there is nothing like knowing IT WAS ALL HIM. I’m not into being petty, but you know He does prepare that table quite nicely in front of people who said you couldn’t. Without you having to say a THING. Hehe.
Needless to say, you are valuable in a season of lack and a season of plenty. I pray that if it’s hard right now, that you will hold onto His truth. That you will hold onto His promises. That you will find joy and fight for it. And when HE does move, that you will grab another hand to lift them.
God has a plan for you. I cannot wait to see how it will all unfold.
Love this sis. Thank you for sharing ❤️
Amen! Whew, very needed.