5 Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back.

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“A limiting belief is something you believe to be true about yourself, about others, or about the world that limits you in some way. These beliefs may hold you back from taking chances, keep you blind to opportunities in your path, prevent you from accepting gifts offered to you, or simply keep you stuck focusing on the negative aspect of your circumstances.”

-Ally Fallon

How real is this quote? In my own life, I have spent so much time limiting myself and what God can do in and through my life. I have secretly assigned myself to a “role” of this is who Destiny is and anything outside of those invisible barriers don’t make any sense. Lately, I have noticed that these limiting beliefs/barriers I have placed on myself due to fear, comfort and insecurity.

You know the whole ‘stay in your lane’ mantra? Trust me I have said that many times, but lately God is giving me a new perspective on what that even means. Sometimes we stay in those lanes due to fear of what people will think. Am I doing too much? Will they think I am trying to be like someone else? I do believe it is SO important to check our motives. However, some lanes are meant to be crossed, especially if God is stretching us to a new territory. A few weeks ago, I made one of the biggest investments to date due to a belief in what I know He is moving me into.

Here are 5 Limiting Beliefs that may be holding you back:

  • That you are unworthy

  • That you are not enough

  • That you have to do it like “her”

  • That you need to shrink

  • That you have to be perfect to receive love

To the beautiful soul reading, I know it’s easy for me to tell you to stop limiting yourself. But like all things, it is a process. After all is said and done, I hope you see the other side of how you’ve limited yourself. There is a beautiful world waiting you waking up to your God-given purpose.

Love, Des

Questions to Consider | Actions To Take

  • Think about the quote above, what limiting belief is holding you back?

  • When you reflect on the thought above — how does limiting yourself make you feel? What is going on in your heart?

  • Pray – Ask God to show you—YOU. Ask Him to show what areas you are limiting yourself in.

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