The Weekly Rundown: See The Good

This a weekly rundown of things I am learning and resources I am loving. Take what you need and pass this along to a friend or TEN. HA. I am so glad you are here.

Personal Wins: Earlier this year I told myself I was going to do away with all the strategies people say are important to be successful with your purpose. I do believe in taking wisdom. That’s my jam. I am just not a fan of trying to follow someone else’s blueprint. I want to be true to ME. I started dabbling in areas away from Instagram. While I love some IG, I also wanted to find other ways to share my voice and thoughts.

Back in July, I shared a post that came from an honest place. If anything I was speaking to myself. I had no expectations and 3 months and 2 weeks later, this pin/post continues to get traction. It’s quite amazing. And it’s a reminder that you will never lose by staying true. We can be inspired by people, but our path is OURS. I share this photo (below) ONLY to remind you of that as well. And seeing movement by showing up as authentically as I can is success in my eyes.

Inspiration: Currently, I am reading Divine Disruption by The Evans Family and it’s wrecking me. I have been personally blessed by the Cannings/Evans family and it’s beautiful to see how they are walking out personal loss. I remember how amazing Kingdom Legacy Live was and this moment will always be etched in my mind (photo below). Dr. Lois Evans was faithful until the end. Her amazing spirit is missed. If you haven’t purchased a copy, I highly recommend it!

If God showed us the whole journey, we’d never take the first step.

-Dr. Lois Evans (Divine Disruption Book)

Home Sentiments: Christmas started at 11:59 on October 31st, hear me?? I truly love Christmas time and thinking of fun ways to gather my people so the decorating has commenced. I plan on perusing more stores this weekend. How’s decorating coming for you? Are you the type to decorate before or after Thanksgiving?

Weekend Motivation: SEE THE GOOD

About a week ago, I went on a work trip to a city that shaped me. Houston, TEXAS baby! And I had the opportunity to peruse my old stomping grounds, favorite food spots, and my campus. And all the nostalgia rushed in. And I was reminded of how incredible my time in Houston truly was. While hard things come with any season, sometimes we can allow that “one thing” to overshadow all the good. As I was driving through, God reminded me of that. To remember all the good that happened within those 6 years of living in Houston. Couldn’t have asked for a better college experience with life-long friends. Beyond thankful!

As you move through your Friday and weekend LET yourself see the good. In your relationships, friendships, and at work. Where have you allowed one small part to overshadow all the good that might be going on around you? This doesn’t mean to dismiss a hard reality. But it does mean you can celebrate big/small things today.

Let’s capture destiny TOGETTHERRR,


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  1. Divine Disruption got me ugly crying every night. Great reminder to allow yourself to see good. Often times for me when I feel myself in the good space, I immediately think of the bad along with it. I’m finding that it’s ok to love the good amidst the bad. Simple but powerful for me, thanks for sharing!